Dear Member,

Our Point Association is commencing our 8th annual drive to support our good friends and neighbor, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center.  The MLKCC’s dedicated staff and team of volunteers work tirelessly on a daily basis to meet the increased demand for services in our area. And our Point tradition of sharing with the larger Newport community is vital to the well-being of those neighbors in need, this year more than ever.

Because of the generosity of more than 90 of your fellow Point Association members, our gift last year was an amazing $17,530, and more than $75,000 since we initiated our partnership.  MLK executives recognize that our seven-year initiative is no small feat for a single neighborhood in our city.  In fact they have declared our program transformative in providing the Center with the ability to serve significantly more residents each year, and honored our neighborhood with their annual “Keeping The Dream Alive” award two years ago.

While their praise may be overly generous, we understand why our contributions are so important to MLKCC.  Our relationship with the Center defines the spirit of sharing with neighbors throughout our community who depend on MLK’s support for food and other valuable services.  Your gift will help to make a difference for so many to enjoy a better life in the coming year.

Please take a moment to go to our Point Association website,, and click the MLKCC Donate Box which will take you to our secure payment menu.  Follow the instructions or, should you prefer, write a check made out to The Point Association, noting MLKCC on the memo line, and mail to:


The Point Association

P.O. Box 491

Newport, RI 02840

We hope we can count on your continued support this year in “Keeping the Dream Alive.”


Ken Snyder                                         William Rauch

President                                             Chairman, Point Association Charitable Fund